Catherina AmorDec 30, 2020

Art Collage

More collage of my art collection! Thumbnail size images of various paintings and drawings I did back in the day.

Catherina Amor Art
Catherina AmorDec 30, 2020

Retro Modern Art Paintings

Some of my old acrylic paintings. Sold through eBay to offices, cafés and homes for wall art decor. This was the time before Etsy came along and created a marketplace for artists and creative folks. This was also the time I was into browns and beige. Natural earthy tones. Very retro mod and coffee inspired!

Swirl Abstract Paintings
Retro Modern Coffee Pop Art Paintings
Retro Waves Abstract Painting
Catherina AmorDec 30, 2020

Drawings Collection

Collage of my past drawings and doodles. Some still life, characters from comic books and urban art doodles, inspired by R&B hip hop music from the 1990's. Once upon a time, I had the patience for intricate detailed work when it came to drawing.

Drawings Collage
Catherina AmorDec 30, 2020

Paintings Collection

Collage of some of my art from the archives. During the early 2000's, I sold abstract paintings on eBay. Mostly decorative pieces to add colour to walls and make it a bit more beautiful. Nothing too deep and meaningful. I also did a bit of pop art, folk art, retro and modern geometric designs.

Paintings Collection

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